Tax Reporting for Quebec Residents

Quebec residents who have invested in a Maple Leaf Short Duration Limited Partnership (“Maple Leaf”) will receive a Relevé 15 (“RL-15”) in order to claim their tax deductions for the previous tax filing year.

Each tax reporting year Maple Leaf will post the tax factors for each limited partnership to the CDS Clearing and Depository website and to Maple Leaf’s website on the Tax Reporting page.  Each dealers back office will in turn use those tax factors to produce the personal RL-15 for each unitholder.   


Your PersonaL RL-15 Tax Slip

  • Each dealers back office has a deadline of March 31st to send out the RL-15 to each unitholder.
  • If you have not received your RL-15 slip by April 5, 2013, please contact your investment advisor.
  • If you require a reprint of your RL-15 slip please also contact your investment advisor.  Investment advisors requiring reprints or new copies of their clients tax slips should contact their back-office.


key boxes ON YOUR RL-15 Tax Slip

Key boxes to note on your RL-15 to be noted on your income tax return (or schedules of the return) are as listed below:

 BOX 1
 Limited Partnership business income (loss)
 BOX 7
 Interest from Canadian sources
 BOX 14     
 Partnership's total gross income
 BOX 27
 Limited partnership loss
 BOX 60
 Canadian exploration expense - renunciation
 BOX 62
 Quebec exploration expense
 BOX 63
 Quebec surface mining exploration or oil and gas exploration expenses.


For further information your RL-15 slip, please visit the Revenu Quebec website or contact a qualified tax and/or investment advisor.


    Maple Leaf reminds you that each individual's tax and investment planning situation is unique and professional advice should always be received from a qualified tax and/or investment advisor. We strongly recommend that your consult with your tax advisor to determine the optimal use of these tax deductions as well as the impact to you, if any, with respect to either alternative minimum tax or cumulative net investment losses.


    Note to Quebec Residents

    Quebec ResidentsQuebec residents who have invested in a Maple Leaf Short Duration Limited Partnership will receive a Relevé 15 (“RL-15”) rather than a T5013A in order to claim their tax deductions for the previous tax filing year. 

    For further information please view our Tax Reporting for Quebec Residents sheet below  or visit the Revenu Quebec website