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The information and materials on this website are provided as a general source of information. While every measure has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material, Maple Leaf Funds group of companies (“Maple Leaf”) and its affiliates do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the material found on this site. It is not intended as investment, financial, legal, accounting, tax or other advice. The contents of this website are changed frequently.

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An investment in a Maple Leaf product involves significant investment consideration and risk that are described in each Offering Memorandum, Information Statement or Prospectus. Each potential investor should read the entire confidential Offering Memorandum, Information Statement or Prospectus and should carefully consider the risk warnings and disclosures before making an investment decision. An eligible investor may obtain a copy of the Offering Memorandum, Information Statement or Prospectus from their investment advisor or by contacting Maple Leaf at

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The information on this site is intended for Canadian investors only. Maple Leaf and affiliated company products are not being offered in the United States and units of the partnership may not be purchased by any United States entity, either directly or indirectly. Units of affiliated company products will not be sold to any person residing outside of Canada unless such sales are permitted under the laws of their jurisdiction. Investors should contact their financial advisor for more information.


Past performance does not guarantee future results. You should not rely on any past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance. Unit values and investment returns will fluctuate. Investors are cautioned that data based on less than five years’ experience may not be sufficient to establish a track record on which investment decisions can be based.


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